Myths & Facts

There are some common myths surrounding bedwetting. It's important that you educate yourself on the subject so that you can support your child as best as possible.

Test your knowledge about Myths and Facts

Test your knowledge and understanding about bedwetting. You can do this on your own or have your child join you!

"Is it my fault that my child is wetting the bed?" and other bedwetting myths

3 to 5 Years

Parents of children who experience bedwetting can be confused, frustrated and anxious. It's not easy if you hear conflicting advice from family, friends or in some cases healthcare professionals. Read here about the common points of anxiety.

If you think that "wearing DryNites will only make my child lazy" - read on.

3 to 5 Years

You want to support your child as best as you can and it's natural that every so often you question whether what you're doing is right.

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