Bedwetting in 3-5 year olds
The best way to support your child is to be patient and provide them with reliable night-time protection so they can enjoy a good night's sleep and wake up awesome. That's where DryNites® come in.3-5 Year Old Bedwetting Myths & Facts
It’s normal for kids in this age group to wet the bed.If they’re bedwetting it may be because their bladder isn’t yet big enough to store all the wee they produce at night time. Or it may be because the connection between their bladder and their brain is not yet fully developed. In short, they’re too young to be expected to stay dry throughout the night.
Try not to compare your child with other children in your family, mother’s group or social circle. As with most developmental milestones they all get there in the end and it’s clear that the time between achieving daytime dryness and night time control is different for every child. While some two to four-year-olds achieve dry nights in a matter of weeks, others take months or even years to get there.

Different methods of management
10% of children aged 3-15 years old experience bedwetting and the vast majority eventually grow out of it. One day, your child will stop having to worry about staying dry through the night. Whilst there is no magical cure for bedwetting there are things you can consider to help you and your child through this phase.

Who Can Help?
If you’d like to take your bedwetting research to the next level, there are some resources, which you may find helpful. Any search engine is useful to search for local and national organizations and groups that may be able to help.

Manage Bedwetting on Holidays

Bedtime Routine
Bedwetting in children can be a cause of anxiety and confusion so it’s important to reassure them and help them relax with a structured bedtime routine.
Ask The Expert
In these videos, father of two, cookbook author, and blogger UJP discusses why there’s nothing wrong with nighttime wetting, how it’s normal for kids for wet the bed after potty training, and how long bedwetting lasts.Recommended Products
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Keep your child dry & worry free with the #1 Nighttime Underwear for bedwetting. DryNites provide the best nighttime protection guaranteed for kids age 3-15.