Bedwetting Tips

The most important thing to remember about bedwetting is that you’re not alone. As a parent the best approach is to support your child with calm and patience. To do this, here are some tips to support you

Talking to Sibling about Bedwetting

Siblings often realize that their brother or sister is wetting the bed. And talking about it early and often — so they can learn how to be kind, compassionate and understanding is an important way to support your child.

How To Talk About Bedwetting?

Bedwetting isn’t your child’s fault, they’re not being lazy and once you have a better understanding of the causes of bedwetting, you’ll be able to support them more fully.

Talking about Transition to wearing DryNites Pants

Here are a few talking points to help you prepare for your conversation with your child about wearing DryNites Pyjama Pants.

Educate Yourself

3 to 5 Years

Bedwetting can be confusing and stressful, so it’s important to gather information on why your child might wet the bed, so you can answer their questions and offer support.

Bedtime Routine

5 to 7 Years

Bedwetting in children can be a cause of anxiety and confusion so it’s important to reassure them and help them relax with a structured bedtime routine.

Exams and Bedwetting

Bedwetting is much more common than you might think. Even if it’s something you only experience occasionally, when an accident happens it can be both embarrassing and confusing.

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