Understanding bedwetting
Learn the basics of nighttime wetting and its many causes. Our experts will also help sort out the myths from the facts so there can be less uncertainty for you and less worries for you child.
Bedwetting Causes
3 ArticlesBedwetting causes are not fully understood but there are three main reasons considered as underlaying causes.

Myths and Facts
3 ArticlesMany parents are uniformed about the nature of bedwetting. As a result, they parents more likely to believe the common myths about bedwetting. If parents believe these myths, they may intentionally or unintentionally convey the information to their children who, in turn, may end up feeling badly about themselves.

Bedwetting Explained
2 ArticlesLearn the basics of nocturnal enuresis (known as bedwetting), such as what it is and its different forms. The most important thing to remember about bedwetting is that you’re not alone. As a parent, the best approach is to support your child with calm and patience. To do this, here are some facts to support you.
Looking For Expert Advice?
From expert articles to support from those who have been there, find out everything you need to know to help take the stress out of nighttime wetting so your child’s days can be worry.
