Less Worry, More Childhood
"Once you hit that amazing milestone of toilet training and your child stays dry during the day, it’s time to celebrate — even if they're still experiencing nighttime wetting. While it may feel like an inconvenience, bedwetting at night isn't usually something to worry about. Nighttime dryness happens when children's bodies are ready for it. "
Is bedwetting normal? Is something wrong with me?
Your child may be worried that they are different, in a negative way and that can be impacting their self-esteem. When children worry about bedwetting and look to you for answers to their questions, remember to be open and mindful with them. By explaining to them why they are wetting the bed and telling them that it’s a normal part of childhood, you can help your child spend less time worrying about the problem and more time just being a kid.
Wake Up Awesome!
We have heard so often from parents and children who experience bedwetting how sad and anxious they are about it. It's important to remember that it is not something the child can control, it's not unusual - 10% of children between 3-15 years old experience it and eventually they grow out of it. If you are concerned, it's worthwhile to speak to a medical professional to eliminate any underlying conditions and to get reassurance.
DryNites® Pyjama Pants can help your child manage the bedwetting independently so that they can get a good night's sleep, wake up awesome and carry on with their day!
Last Updated June, 2021